The weather in Fuerteventura is really predictable and should be counted on. With a normal day hitting between 22 to 26 it is a great place to just kick back. The average yearly temp can vary widely from 20 degrees to almost 40 in the summer but the light wind that usually accompanies the hot sun is ever-present and creates a great dynamic for your beach-loving dreams. Most days are sunny hot and are a great day for the beach. Wind surfers and kite surfers flock to the island because of the wind that often comes from the north-east and makes some really good waves for jumping or just getting knocked over in the surf close to the shore.
There are some grey days in the winter but they are usually few and far between. It couldn´t hurt to bring a jacket just in case there is a calima. A calima is when sand and dust are blown directly from Africa(90km to the east) and it brings sun blocking clouds that make the beach and island life a little bit cooler. Add this with a medium wind and a sun-burned traveler may interpret this as chilly. On a day with calima and no wind we are talking about the edge of the river Styx, when temps can reach a blistering 40 degrees. Be sure to pack plenty of sunscreen and an umbrella would not be a bad idea.
Sometimes you may find yourself with a little rain but that is only a few weeks out of the year. When it does rain, as with many desert areas, the downpour is massive but relatively short. These downpours can cause slight flash flooding and if you are in a canyon or a low-lying area remember you could get hit with an unexpected rush of water. All in all the weather is a great decider for what the day may hold. Cool days are good for hiking and hot days are perfect for just lounging by the beach.